Education & Youth Development

Pillar Summary

Nevada Partners provides cradle-to-career support services to students and families through strong schools, leveraged resources, and coordinated community-building efforts that will ensure all children who live in the West Las Vegas Promise Neighborhood have a safe, healthy, and strong academic start in life.

Education is central to the concept of the Community Learning Center, where residents of all ages can access a variety of educational opportunities. Responsive to community needs and interests, these teaching and learning opportunities will include everything from parenting and childhood development classes to PK-20 academic supports, and courses in Black history, culture, and the arts.

Youth Pillar Related News

Down Payment Assistance: We’ve helped to purchase more than 793 homes

Down Payment Assistance: We’ve helped to purchase more than 793 homes

May 04, 20201 min read

Nevada Partners has been a significant contributor in helping people afford homes through down-payment assistance programs and services, homebuyer education and financial empowerment. To date:

  • 15,077 individuals completed HUD mandated housing education programing

  • $20.5 million in down payment assistance has been provided to first-time home buyers

  • 793 homes were purchased with the assistance of our programs

The New Financial Wellness Center

In February 2020, Nevada Partners will launch the Financial Wellness Center. We will offer year-round support services to community residents in the areas of money management, debt reduction, increased savings, increased income and home purchase. With partners like Toyota Savings Bank, Bank of Nevada, Nevada State Bank, Freddie Mac, Citi, Opportunity Alliance Nevada and Charles Schwab, we will make a significant impact on the financial health of the West Las Vegas community.

At the CLC, we will offer professional financial literacy workshops, one-on-one financial counseling and coaching, to help residents with their financial challenges and plan for the future.   Our goals is to assist our participants with the following:

  • Increased income

  • Debt reduction

  • Increased savings

  • Establish/Improve credit

  • Establish safe banking relationships

If you are interested in gaining access to the latest financial tools and resources to help you manage your finances, begin a savings plan, and prepare for your financial future, please call 702-844-8000. One-on-one counseling or coaching is also available.

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West Las Vegas: Promise Neighborhood History

West Las Vegas is a Historic Neighborhood in Las Vegas, Nevada. This 3.5 square mile areaa is located northwest of the Las Vegas Strip and the "Spaghetti Bowl" interchange of I-15 and US 95. It is also known as the Historic Westside. Learn more about the history and map of the West Las Vegas Promise Neighborhood here.

Explore Community Pillars

Affordable Housing & Wealth Creation Pillar

Education & Youth Development Pillar

Future of Work


Civic Participation &

Social Justice Pillar

Healthy Children, Families, & Neighborhoods Pillar

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