Knowing Your Rights as a Voter: It’s your right to vote
It’s Your Right to Vote.
The primary election will be conducted by mail-in ballot; therefore, ballots will be mailed to every active registered voter in the state, starting on May 1st.
Voters are encouraged to submit their ballot through the mail, as a limited number of polling locations will be open.
Voter’s Bill of Rights
The Nevada Voters’ Bill of Rights, as outlined in NRS 293.2546, includes the following provisions:
It’s your right to vote!
Each voter has the right to receive and cast a ballot that is written in a format that allows the clear identification of candidates, and accurately records the voter’s preference in the selection of candidates.
Each voter has the right to have his or her questions concerning voting procedures answered and to have an explanation of the procedures for voting posted in a conspicuous place at the polling place.
Each voter has the right to vote without being intimidated, threatened or coerced.
Each voter has the right to vote on Election Day if the voter is waiting in line at his or her polling place to vote before 7:00 PM.
Each voter has the right to return a spoiled ballot and is entitled to receive another ballot in its place.
Each voter has the right to request assistance in voting, if necessary.
Each voter has the right to a sample ballot which is accurate, informative and delivered in a timely manner.
Each voter has the right to receive instruction in the use of the equipment for voting during early voting or on Election Day.
Each voter has the right to have nondiscriminatory equal access to the elections system, including, without limitation, a voter who is elderly, disabled, a member of a minority group, employed by the military, or a citizen who is overseas.
Each voter has the right to have a uniform, statewide standard for counting and recounting all votes accurately.
Each voter has the right to have complaints about election contests resolved fairly, accurately and efficiently.
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